Joseph Minard, Napoleon’s March on Moscow worst “Probably the best statistical graphic ever drawn” - Edward Tufte 23 Joseph Minard, Napoleon’s March on Moscow “Probably the best statistical graphic ever drawn” - Edward Tufte 23 Reasoning consciously allocates attention System 2 regulates our intuition to the effortful mental and is ready to jump in activities that demand it when attention is required 216 × 725 = ? voluntary slow difficult visible 17Ĩ0 60 40 20 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Only attract attention when things go bad 21 Intuition operates automatically and quickly, with little or no effort and no sense Monitoring should rely on of voluntary control System I 2+2=? involuntary fast effortless invisible 16 Intuition Reasoning operates automatically consciously and quickly, with little or allocates attention no effort and no sense to the effortful mental of voluntary control activities that demand it 2+2=? 216 × 725 = ? involuntary fast voluntary slow effortless invisible difficult visible 15 Effective Monitoring Understanding how we.Engineering This talk is about this one (but the others are important too) 12 Multiple dashboard views Operational: Ops.Multiple dashboard views Operational: Strategic:Īnalytic: Ops / Engineering CEO / CIO Marketing / Accountancy Different view for each audience: keep metrics relevant to each group 11.Quick overview of comparisons, which need an organization’s reviewing constant, health extensive histories, real-time, evaluating minute-by-minute assist with performance attention executive decisions assists with immediacy and what is going on data analysis practicality right now is not important - what is no statistics or pressing is what has doesn’t require analyzing been going on real-time data 10 Operational Strategic Analytic monitors functions.To display PIs and KPIs quantitative analysis Immediacy, intuitiveness and appropriate context 9 Dashboard Design Learning the appropriate.Good reporting: difference between noticing and not having a clue 7 ? No output data: where is the problem? 5ĭesign systems what you can’t measure to be monitored Tom DeMarco Good reporting: Observe patterns and difference between noticing automate most things and not having a clue 6 Lorenzo Alberton Chief Technical Architect,.Scale: intuitive dashboard design Make decisions, fast PHP UK, Saturday 23rd February 2013 1